Pagoda Blog

Why You Should No Longer Use Internet Explorer as Your Default Browser

April 18, 2019

If you’re still using Internet Explorer as your default web browser, it’s time to get with the times and switch to a modern browser. Internet Explorer, or IE, was installed by default on every Windows computer starting back in 1995. It had a good run, holding approximately 95% of the market share in the early 2000s. Today, however, that number is down to less than 10% because of performance and security issues. In fact, Microsoft has been trying to move users off IE now for four years, ever since they retired the browser in 2015 and switched to Edge.


If you’re one of the 10% that’s hanging onto IE, we know you have your reasons. The primary complaint is that the currently available version of Edge isn’t a complete solution for most PC users. Edge disappointed many users because it only works with Windows 10 and it doesn’t support some of the older web apps that many PC users rely on for their business. There is, however, a newer version of Edge currently available for testing that is designed to work with older versions. But here’s the thing. For optimal security and performance, you shouldn’t be running your computers on older versions of Windows. (If you need convincing, refer to this blog post.)


Even if it seems inconvenient to make the switch, Microsoft is urging users to retire IE once and for all, and it’s in your best interest to listen.  


Do you know which browser you’re using?

Not everyone pays attention to their default web browser. You just log onto the internet and conduct business as usual. If you're trying to figure out whether the rest of this article is relevant to you, check out the site It tells you which browser you’re using and whether or not it’s up to date.


The problems with Internet Explorer  

If you just discovered you are indeed using Internet Explorer, there are several reasons why you need to switch to a modern browser.


Developers no longer test on IE

The first issue is that most developers are no longer testing sites on IE and it doesn’t support new apps. You’re missing out on most of what the modern internet has to offer.


“We’re not supporting new web standards for it and, while many sites work fine, developers by and large just aren’t testing for Internet Explorer these days. They’re testing on modern browsers,” said Microsoft’s Chris Jackson. “So, if we continued our previous approach, you would end up in a scenario where, by optimizing for the things you have, you end up not being able to use new apps as they come out. As new apps are coming out with greater frequency, what we want to help you do is avoid having to miss out on a progressively larger portion of the web!”


It’s more vulnerable to a data breach  

Microsoft is no longer even referring to IE as a browser. Instead, they’re calling it a ‘compatibility solution.’ Because Microsoft no longer supports IE, that means the ‘ex-browser’ doesn’t receive updates or security patches leaving you vulnerable to viruses and malware.


Pages load slowly

IE also loads pages slower (it takes on average 9.88 seconds to load a new site) and can change the entire look of a website. Before a web browser displays a website, it reads the code and interprets how to visually present the information. Modern web browsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all do this the same way to ensure consistency. IE, however, does it differently. This results in websites looking completely different on Internet Explorer compared to other browsers. For this reason, if your site is designed specifically for IE, it may not work properly for the majority of internet users who are using other browsers. You’re also missing out on the full functionality of most sites on the internet.


Ready to make the switch?

As you plan to make the move to a modern browser, you’ll probably also need to retire outdated apps that only work on Internet Explorer and ensure your website displays properly on other browsers. Even if you drag your feet on making the switch, other people are viewing your website outside of IE so it’s important to test it on the most popular browsers. These include Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. In our next post, we’ll be exploring the pros and cons of these modern browsers to help you decide which will work best for your business.


Related posts:


Your Web Browser and ISP Know You Better Than You Think

Protecting Your Privacy in Windows 10 Without Sacrificing Convenience

Is It Safe to Store Passwords in Chrome and Other Browsers?



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