Pagoda Blog

Why you Need to Outsource Your IT Department

November 19, 2015

Running a business is tough. And as a business owner, you have more than enough to think about when making decisions. There is HR to consider, clients to manage, advertising, employee training and of course the IT department. With today’s advances in technology, we depend on our IT people more than ever in a business setting.


So what’s a business owner to do?


You can’t do all of these things yourself, that’s for sure.

A lot of these things can be managed in house, you can have someone who is in charge of advertising, someone who is in charge of HR and someone who helps you manage clients.



However, having an in house IT person makes things really complicated.


Managing IT is a full time job, and many businesses can’t afford to pay someone a full time salary and benefits to just make sure the technology in your business keeps working.


There are also sick days and vacation time to think about. Servers don’t crash just Monday through Friday, sometimes they crash on Christmas day or when everyone in the office is sick with the flu.


If your IT person is out sick, gone, or it’s labor day weekend, who is going to take care of your company's IT needs?

When things go wrong in IT, it’s not something that can wait.


That’s why you should outsource your IT department. An outsourced IT department brings a team of people to support your company. This means that if one of them is sick, or on vacation, you will still have more than enough support.




Outsourcing your IT department also means you will get a wide variety of experience and knowledge when problems occur.

With just one IT employee, they might not have the expertise needed to solve a problem. They would have to spend your time and money figuring it out, all the while things are still down.


With a knowledgeable outsourced IT company, you will have a team of people working on these problems. If one of them can’t solve the issue, guaranteed another can.

So, if you are having issues with your current IT support, give us a call. Pagoda Technologies can help your company run smoothly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With no sick days, paid time off or national holidays.

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